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Quality Translation Services DMCC
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Arabic Translation Services in JLT Dubai

Dubai is one of the top destinations of the whole world, and so, occupies a strategic position in the UAE. Dubai is where people come for fun and vacation; it is also the place that people throng to for doing business. Now, the thing about Dubai is, as in most Arabic nations, all legal and official documents need to be in the local language, which is Arabic. This puts a lot of responsibility on a Arabic translation service provider in Dubai and JLT to provide scores of people seeking translation with accurately translated documents. The same is the case for those wanting to go abroad from the UAE for business, studies and other purposes. That is why, a certified legal translator that excels in English to Arabic translations, like QTS DMCC becomes an all-important agency in Dubai.


The challenges with Arabic legal translation that Quality Translation Services DMCC handles

The Arabic legal language is quite nuanced in the way it’s interpreted, and so, and needs an expert hand. There is a wide gap between the English and Arabic written and spoken language metrics. This makes legal translation from English to Arabic or vice versa a very difficult task, and requires someone who’s very familiar with the language. The legal systems of English-speaking nations are also vastly different from the Arabic legal system. Arabic, a Semitic language, uses words that are not quite decipherable in English. Hence, legal Arabic translators face various challenges at different linguistic levels. Add to all this, there are chances that terminological nuances crop up when interpreting Sharia Law terms to Common law terms, along with syntactic issues and punctuation.

At QTS DMCC, we understand all this. We realise that as a certified legal translation service provider, we need to incorporate the cultural background of their own lifestyle and belief systems. We know that automated translation is never accurate, and so, always put our experts on the job. They compare and check the veracity of each and every word manually when translating a document, thereby assuring 100 per cent error-free translation. Our expert native Arabic translators build in every cultural variation, colloquialism, into the translations.

Arabic to English legal translations

At QTS DMCC, we are transparent about our procedures, and inform the client about each and every step we take. This is what makes us the best legal translation service company nearby Dubai and JLT. Our customers are some of the most trusted and noteworthy brands worldwide. We only recruit talented linguists and legal experts who know the importance of legalities of all kinds of businesses and legal matter.
They are discreet, and keep the documents well within the bounds of confidentiality agreements. We cross-check facts multiple times, which helps us maintain a high quality of legal translation. Our Arabic to English translators comes with years of hands-on training, making us a top translation company in Dubai and JLT today.

What makes legal translation so important?

Though Arabic is the official language, English remains the largest spoken common language across the seven Emirates because the UAE is residence diplomats and expats from all over the world. The result of this is that almost always, the original documents of the residents here are in English or other foreign languages, and they all need to be translated into Arabic before being submitted to the UAE government authorities or the courts. Most people are also unaware of the recent changes in law, plus there is the fact that many government officials accept documents submitted only in Arabic. All this makes legal translation in Dubai and JLT very important and that has many people search for ‘Arabic legal translation near me’ quite frequently.

QTS DMCC translators are professionals

We thoroughly check the credentials of every single employee, and also their proficiency in various languages and subject matter so that they can give us accurately translated documents. We are a trusted name in the translation service provider in Dubai segment, and are known for our speed and for keeping delivery promises. We are approved and certified to approve and attest all documents pertaining to the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education, Dubai Department of Economic Development and UAE banks, among other organisations. This makes us a very special Arabic translation service provider nearby Dubai and JLT.

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